AVG在不久前推出了新版免費防毒軟體8.5.339 SP1
這次的改進包括Safe Search支援百度搜尋引擎
Rekease Note:
* Safe Search: Support for Baidu search engine.
* Update: Improved malicious code prevention.
* Toolbar: Improved user interface, support for non-English languages, and various bug fixes.
* AvgSys: Optimization of log files number.
* Core: New family of Swizzors detected.
* Core: Detection of FakeAlert family.
* Core: Detection of new modification of polymorphic virus Win32/Virut was added.
* Core: All known versions of polymorphic virus Win32/Virut are now detected.
* Safe Search: Improved anti-phishing coverage in Search-Shield.
* User Interface: "Send to analysis" button in Virus Vault was removed and replaced with context menu.
* User Interface: Correct displaing of EULA text in the About dialog with other than native Windows codepage.
* Core: Fixed problem with crash while scanning PDF files.
* Core: Fixed occasional crash of scanning engine.
* Core: Fixed problem of crash while healing Mozilla Firefox 3 cookies.
* Core: Fixed problem with processing slowdown during Resident Shield scanning LNK files.
* Core: Fixed problem with ZoneAlarm incompatibility.
* Core: Fixed problem with missed detection in corrupted *.cab and *.zip archives (thanks to Thierry Zoller).
* Outlook: Fixed double prompt on password-protected stores.
* Outlook: Fixed possible crash of MS Outlook 2003 on email receiving with MSO enabled.
* SafeSurf: Fixed problem with wrong displaying Safe Search flyovers in IE8.
* Setup: Fixed instalation failure if administrator directory access is missing.
* Setup: Fixed crash of setup instalation if directory access for Administrator is missing.
* User Interface: Fixed problem with editor of excluded directories for Resident Shield.
* User Interface: Fixed problem with color text display when Windows inverted color scheme is used.



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回覆刪除之前用AVG,感覺上比avast和avira差,掃毒速度很慢。在我的電腦中,full system scan,avg用一個半小時,但avira只用了45分鐘,不明白AVG總可以在download.com的排名中,長居首位